Image courtesy of papaija2008 at There are some common problems associated with breast feeding, like engorged breast, cracked nipple, blocked ducts and low milk. Like the issue of a cracked nipple could be as a result of hunger on your baby’s side forcing her to use increase her sucking motion. This article will give you detailed guide to solving these issues and how to manage these problems while breastfeeding. Read on Keep in mind that children tend to eat take more breast milk in during their first and last feeding daily. Ensure you give your baby enough to avoid cracking or engorgement of the breast. Below are the Problems Associated with Breastfeeding and the Solutions Blocked Ducts Avoid wearing a tight bra but If your breasts still feels full after breastfeeding your baby or try express some milk with a breast pump to relieve the fullness and pain or take paracetamol. Take a warm shower or use warm water ...
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